Thu 02 Jan
* Sexy GirL NeXT DooR!!! ** Up ALL NiTe FuN GiRL .. New CaLL ME NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 19
(oklahoma city)
SeXy 45 yr old cougar! E xPeRiEnCeD AvAiLAbLe now. 405 779-9871. treat. yourself! 24/7 incall or ou - 45
(Oklahoma City, sev44. and sheilds)
~Sexy, sweet, soft& Delicious, Everything u need to start your weekend off right! Hr special! - 24
(North west OKC)
💋sexy blonde hair & hazel 👀eyes the WHOLE PACKAGE!! 🎇 oUtCaLl SPECIALS!! - 23
(Oklahoma City, Meridian)
~~~ SeXXy, SeXXy Redhead (Well Reviewed!!!) ~~~ $45 or $65 Incall $pecial$ ~~~ Available Now ~~~ - 31
(Oklahoma City, South I-35 and I-240 area)
★ *S___ W___ E___ E___ T*__ ___ * H___ O___ N __ E ___Y* ___ *B___ U___ N___ N__ Y*★ - 22
(Oklahoma City, SOUTH OKC&OKC; OUT CALL'S->ONLY!!)
~~~ SeXXy, SeXXy Redhead (Well Reviewed!!!) ~~~ $45 or $65 Incall $pecial$ ~~~ Available Now ~~~ - 31
(Oklahoma City, South I-35 and I-240 area)
♥ ·.¸.·´¯* S_e_X_y ♥·. .·´¯* E_x_O_t_I_c ♥·. .·´¯* P_L_a_Y_m_a_T_e ♥ ·.¸.·´¯ - 23
(incall & outcall)
S P E C I A L S * I Pr0mIsE they cant beat, Im that EyE CaNdY that is SinfuLLy SwEeT nNew pix - 24
(Oklahoma City, okc)
► ► ✨ *2* █▬█❶▀█▀ [ X ] R@T€D GiRLS ✨ αvαiℓabℓε ➜ ✨ 2GiRLS ✨【 δωεε† && Crεam¥ 】RΞΛÐ¥ TØ PŁΛ¥ - 21
★ ██ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ★ SEXY BLONDE BBW ★ ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ ██ SuNdAyY SpEcIaLs$ - 21
(Oklahoma City, southeast Oklahoma City)
-*- {__ *SeXy* __} -*- {__ *SwEeT* __} -*- {__ TrEaT__} -*- Special 100 kisses - 23
(Oklahoma City, okc and surrounding areas)
💎PerFecT 10! 💎 BuStY 💎 BloNdE 💎 PeTiTe 💎 UpScAle 💎 HoTtiE 💎 Passing thru - 27
(Oklahoma City, Okc metro)
••••••• ►••••••• ►••••• ► PRESS HERE TO PLAY ◄ ••••◄ •••••••• ◄ ••••◄ •••• - 30
(Oklahoma City, Outcall Only)
✨💖😛👑😛💖✨ Pure Pleasure Awaits You! ✨💖😛👑😛💖✨ Gorgeous Ebony Goddess!! ✨💖😛👑😛💖✨ - 23
(Nw Expressway, Oklahoma City)
Sexy Co££€G€ C0uRte$@N Now v@i£@bLe 4 incalls!! 405-618-3591 - 69
(Oklahoma City, oklahoma city/ meridian INCALL/OUTCALL)
out call $pecial$ are Worth It cause you deserve It! - 32
(Oklahoma City, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK surrounding areas)
R you sick of fakes, liars n dissapointments? Call me, im 100% real a true beauty ready 2 Amaze you! - 30
(Oklahoma City, Okc & surrounding)
💛$300$💛OUTcall PLaYMaTe :-•*💛LOOKS•☆• GOOD•☆• FEELS •☆• EVEN •☆• BETTER 💛 4809990061 💛 - 19
(East Valley, Phoenix)
oUtCaLls💋💍eNd tHiS yEaR tHe RigHt wAy👠💄$pEcIaL$ aLl nIgHt🌠🌞oUtCaLl $pEcIaL$ tRuCkEr fRiEnDly🚛 - 23
(Oklahoma City, Meridian)
💎 ⭐OutCall /In Call specials ♥ IrReSiStIbLe 🍒 PlayMate©™💎 UniQue 💎 BeAuTy ⭐ 💯% Me - 24
(Oklahoma City, Okc)
READy NoW 🔥NEW N TowN💋YES I'm REAL 💦🚀☆ 🙈⚓️🎀 PeTiTe sPinnEr BruNeTTE💋Avail NoW - 26
(Nw Expressway, Oklahoma City)
***Rocking w/ the BEST of the BEST..we aim to please!*** - 21
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City & all surrounding areas)
Out Call & Travel Specials ...Let Me Show You What FuN Size Is All Bout!!..$ xoxo $ 405 -902-6836 - 28
(Oklahoma City, ** Phoenix ** 405-902-6836 $Specials Va)
SeNsUaL TALL busty BLoNde eXoTiC BBW. Ready to WaRm you up with this SUPER FAT C a T! ! - 28
(Oklahoma City, norman & beyond.. WILL TRAVEL)
Out Calls!!!! 🎇 Exotic Hottie With A 💎Flawless Figure 💎 & Wild Side UP LATE!! Outcalls - 23
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City And Surr. Areas Outcalls)
💦💥OuTCaLL SPeCiaL 💥💦 OuTCaLL SPeCiaL💋🍭 CaLL NoW ( open all night depending location ) - 27
(Okc, Oklahoma City)
Party Girl Pleasure Doll. Real & Local! Mz. Peaches 75$ Incall Specials - 22
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma city,Norman and surrounded area)
▬▬▬ =╠╣αppγ ▬▬▬▬▬ 【ツ】 ▬▬▬▬ =╠╣αppγ ▬▬▬▬ 【ツ】 ▬▬▬▬ =╠╣appy ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 32
(Oklahoma City, I-44 & Classen)
Great Service ... Great Rates ... Great Reviews ... Looking For a HOT HOT (( R E D )) IM BACK - 24
__( REAL! )—•—(DELiCiOUS )—•—( HEART-STOPPiNG )—•—( Brunette)—•—( B0MBSHELL )—• - 25
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City/All Areas/Outcall)
2 HOTTTT AS HELLLLL GIRLS !!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! PICK US !!!!!! !!!!! !!!!! - 19
(West Valley, west vally)
o☆°o * ♥´¯` ALL ´¯` YOU ´¯` NEED ´¯` ´¯` ♥ * o☆°o - 24
(Oklahoma City, Okc and surrounding areas)
P E T I T E ▪ PLAYMATE! ◾◽▪▫ TrEaT yOuRsElf!! ▫▪◽◾ Y0UNG H0TTiE - 22
(Oklahoma City, OUTCALL SPECIAL)
(¯`'.¸ ♥ ¸.'´¯) NO ONE -:¦:- DOES IT-:¦:-LIKE ME (¯`'.¸ ♥ ¸.'´¯) - 24
(Oklahoma City, OkLaHoMa CiTy In'S & OuT's!)
☎ **{OUTCALL}* ☎ {sexy treat }* ☎ *{ AVAILABLE NOW! }** ☎ - - 25
__P ____E ____R ____F ____E ____C ____T ____I ____O ____N - 18
(incall/ outcall)
♥PiN-UP ReDH*E*A*D IN ToWn ToDaY! ♥ In/OuTCaLL $PeCiAL$ All DaY!! ♥ DoNt MiSS OuT!! - 29
(Oklahoma City, I40 Meridian, Shawnee, Seminole)
♡Passionate Diva Here To Serve You♡ 405-422-0484 ←YOUNG☆CLASSY☆UPSCALE→ ◇$100hr incall Special◇ - 22
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City & Metro Area)
Norman outcalls only Sexy safe and fit Chocolate text 405-505-3687. available 330pm-9pm mon/thu/fri - 18
(Oklahoma City, Norman only)
o° °o♥ Jaw Dropping (¯`'.¸ ♥ ¸.'´¯) Sweetheart o° °o♥ **Specials** - 23
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City and surrounding areas)
💖🌟💖 Petite Italian Playmate 💖🌟💖 Available ALL DAY 🌟🌟🌟FULLY INDEPENDENT🌟💖🌟 - 24
(OKC, Shawnee, Edmond, Norman, Oklahoma City)
o° °o♥ Jaw Dropping (¯`'.¸ ♥ ¸.'´¯) Sweetheart o° °o♥ **100 Kiss Special** - 23
(Oklahoma City, okc and surrounding areas)